Documentary Updates

Niihau Shell Hands

Follow along with our projected filming schedule to see where we are in production. This film is currently in pre-production with shooting planned for 2023  & 2024 and potential release in 2024.

***This page updates as we progress in our project. All dates are estimates and depend on budget, permissions and crew availability. 


Fall/Winter 2024

Release a digital edition on this website & Youtube and produce DVD/Blu-ray run to gift to museums and institutes. Premier film on O'ahu at HoMA or premier outdoors. Los Angeles premier also possible pending demand. Start submitting to indie film festivals to promote the art to a wider audience. Create complimentary print articles and submit to Hawaiian travel and jewelry industry publications.


Summer/Fall 2024

Start editing the film including adding narration, subtitles and audio tracks in English, Hawaiian & Japanese. Have a 60 minute and a 1 hour 30 minute extended cut. 


Spring 2023

Potentially film on Maui, Moloka'i & Lana'i. Pending additional funding, continue on to film Kaua'i and Ni'ihau. If we are not fully funded by then pause the project until we are ready. 


Fall/Winter 2023

Film on O'ahu and conduct a short research trip to the Kaua'i Historical Society to follow up on a research lead. If possible go to Maui and reassess the possibility of filming there in the next few months. 


Late Summer 2023

Reassess our Maui, Moloka'i & Lana'i trip. Plan trip to O'ahu to film north shore surfers & puka shell segment, sunrise shell divers, museums, oceanographic institutes and classes.


Summer 2023

Plan second filming trip to Maui and possible Lana'i and Moloka'i budget permitting. Due to the devastating fires on Maui we will not be filming on the island until they have time to heal and we will not be burdening the people of the island at this time. Please consider donating to the Maui Strong Fund which helps those effected by the wildfires in Lahaina & the rest of the island. 


Spring 2023

Starting date in mid April 2023 on the Big Island at the Merrie Monarch Festival craft fair. 


Early 2023 - Complete

Continue working on grant funding, crew, insurance, permissions and equipment requirements. Plan the first filming trip to Hilo.


November 2022 - Complete

Final and comprehensive scouting, research and digital content trip. Travel to O'ahu & Kaua'i visiting any sites relavent to Ni'ihau shell jewelry.


October 2022 - Complete

Finalize historical research phase and gather any remaining contacts on O'ahu, Maui & Kaua'i including museums, cultural institutes, local shops and individual artisans. 


August 2022 -Complete

Launch Kickstarter campaign to fund the documentary and support the development and hosting of the website.


June 2022 - Complete

Build the website and social media channels creating relevant content to grow the project and start connecting with interested parties.


May 2022 - Complete

Trip to Oahu for location scouting, research, promotional videography, social media images and professional photoshoot with model.

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